Friday, September 03, 2004

9/3/04 here we go again?

Friday, September 3, 2004

here we go again?

before after

here it is, the official before and after.
needless to say, the after is hard to get used to.

I got the tree that was split and headed for the house down this past Wednesday, and the debris is out at the street. Nothing more I can do about that. Everything is put away here at my house and at my parents, and my sis and her families are all prepared. My parents are in Connecticut, as my dad lost his sister on Wednesday night. They got word on Monday she was in the hospital and not expected to make it home, and as my mom can't fly, I got them on a train Tuesday morning. They got in on Wednesday afternoon made it to the hospital in time, got to see and speak with Lil, and then she passed that evening at about 10:30. I feel so sad for my daddy, but am glad that at least they are out of harms way from this newest storm to threaten us.

Well, Hurricane Frances is making her presence known here in our state, just 3 weeks after Charley paid us a visit. And now the newest report of tropical storm Ivan off the coast of Africa and headed due west. For any that are considering making a move to the "Sunshine" state, I would seriously think about that!

Here is my plan thus far: I will stay here with my cat and dog, hiding in the hallway when it gets to be rough. They have down graded the storm to a category 3 which is 115-120 mph winds now, but it still has to cross the warm waters of the gulf stream, so there is a huge possibility it will pick up strength again. They are now saying it will pass directly over us here in Orlando area, or even possibly go a little more north. Tornado's are a huge possibility, and with no basements to hide in, and being secured in only sand makes that a scary thought. Plus, there's not even a rock to tie yourself to down here.

They just reporting that the storm is not supposed to get here now until Sunday morning, earlier it was looking like Sat afternoon, and it will take about 36 hours to clear us. It has slowed down dramatically, and that is a huge problem. They are predicting at least 15-24 inches of rain here in Orlando, as it will sit and just dump water on us. I'm glad I sit fairly high, and not subject to flooding, but I do pity the people in the newer subdivisions which have been built on dried lake beds and filled marsh areas. Most of them will find water in their front doors. The saddest part is, most of the people are not aware that as little as 10 years ago, their home used to be part of a lake or marshland area.

Keep those of us that are dealing with this newest threat in your thoughts and prayers, and I will try to update my journal as I am able.

lab2401 at 12:18:00 PM EDT Link to this entry
This entry has 3 comments: (Add your own)
Sorry about your dad's loss.
Yes, we are all praying for Florida. Hope you're doing the right thing staying and not leaving the area.

Comment from readmereadyou - 9/3/04 4:00 PM

Oh, Lyn, I am so sorry this is happening again! Please take care of yourself and the animals, and I will be sending you good thoughts and energy. I will be looking forward to any postings before, but especially AFTER the storm. Blessings, Margo
Comment from magogos - 9/3/04 2:17 PM

You and your family will definitely be in my thoughts! Take care of yourself and leave if it looks like it's getting too bad. {{{}}}
Comment from mom23nca - 9/3/04 2:16 PM

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