Monday, April 17, 2006

Pam Hilger (his1desire)

I join with all those in J-land who are mourning the passing of our dear friend Pam, of "
Just One Girl's Head Noise". Pam was a founding force in AOL's blogging experience, who reached out to everyone in J-land with a helping hand. Pam was diagnosed with extensive lung cancer in June 05 and shared her journey with us, including her stopping smoking and the hopes and dreams that came with her journey.

Yesterday, Easter Sunday, Pam lost her fight with cancer, but she in no way lost the battle. I admired her strength, her courage in sharing, and her determination in living life on her terms. The sky will be a little brighter tonight, the earth will sigh with the loss.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all those who loved her and will miss her presence on this earth.

addendum: 1/5/07 Just wandered over to Pam's journal and noticed that all her pictures had been removed somehow. Just the dreaded little box with the red X. I wanted the world to remember her, and thankfully I had downloaded a picture to my computer. So I added it back to my post here. Rest well Pam, you are remembered as we pass into this new year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your words... I am just now starting to read through the hundreds of posts and entries and e-mails, and I am, to say the least, completely overwhelmed at the impact my big sister had on the world... It gives me great comfort to know that she in some way will live on forever inside every person she touched along the way...