Saturday, July 08, 2006

63 years together

63 years ago today.
They said I do, they did and they meant it.

My parents as they were 7.8.1943.
Mom was just 17, would turn 18 in September, and Daddy was 21.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

What a testament to enduring love.

I'm posting to say that I read your profile on my way to your 2996 post... and I could have written every word of it. My husband died unexpectedly 2 years ago at the age 44.

So much that once seemed so important is sheer nonsense and I don't have the tolerance for it any more. But I am also far more compassionate than ever before, more forgiving.

I've bookmarked your blog and suspect I will visit it often.

-- Pentha, wishing you a measure of peace today