Tuesday, May 04, 2004

5/4/04 what kind of tree?

Tuesday, May 4, 2004

what kind of tree?

Found this 'what is your inner tree' by way of John Scalzi's journal: By The Way .
I hadn't seen this one before and thought I would post it also.

A little haiku for the picture... hanging heavily
her boughs guard all who come near...
where is her willow?


You are compassionate and independent. You're the kind of tree who wants to help other trees find themselves in a crazy world you know all too well. You love the gentler side of nature and like things simple and elegant. A night owl, you like things peaceful all the time and are often vexed when others invade your solitude. You love the water as much as the land, feeling at home in both. Often shy, you always want to do things right, and crave attention every now and then. You fear that what you love most may one day turn on you, but it doesn't stop you from getting close to others. You are a good listener and other trees often come to you for advice or someone to talk to. You admire others who freely share themselves. When you leave the world, you want others to remember your example and follow it.
What's Your Inner Tree?
brought to you by Quizilla

lab2401 at 10:11:00 PM EDT Link to this entry
This entry has 2 comments: (Add your own)
    I took the quiz and turned out to be a Pine! Of all things. You have a nice journal. And I like what you said in the sidebar. It's good to be able to lay down at night and sleep with a clear conscious.
    Comment from wildflower121764 - 5/6/04 6:09 PM

    I shoulda known we'd have the same tree, huh? I'm so glad you posted the link here--Scalzi's didn't work for me.
    Comment from merelyp - 5/5/04 12:05 AM

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