Tuesday, February 24, 2004

2/24/04 the move is made

Tuesday, February 24, 2004
the move is made

Well, S was moved to the nursing home yesterday. They were unable to get her to the same wing as previously, so the nursing staff is different than what she remembers, and the room is totally backwards to what she had before. I am hoping that they can get her over to the north side soon.">Another problem is the bathroom is off the center of the room, and the door does not open completely against the wall, and S is having problems manuevering her wheelchair around the door and into the BR. The door only opens 90ยบ and sticks out into the room. I can see this just isn't going to work for S safely, so I will call the director of nursing today to report these problems and give them a chance to make some changes. S was very clear mentally when I got there yesterday evening. She was "starving" and wanted to get out of that bed. I helped her get dressed and into her wheelchair, and then we hunted the nurse down about the tube feedings. Finally got that started around 7:30 last night and left her resting back in her bed at 8:30. Keeping my fingers crossed that there were no problems last night.

lab2401 at 8:24:00 AM EST Link to this entry
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