Sunday, April 25, 2004

4/25/04 oddly enough

Sunday, April 25, 2004

oddly enough

The family stayed home today, no garage sale! It is still far from over, but at least they are promising only one more week. Plans are for Thursday, Friday and Saturday this next week. Then the promise is for everyone to get with me and help me clean the garage out, top to bottom ... hope they mean this one! I haven't been by to see S this weekend at all. Saw her on Friday, and plan to see her tomorrow. I haven't heard anything, so am assuming she has done well. The latest thing is her thyroid is way out of whack, and the attending phys wants to send her to an endocrinologist. S doesn't really want to do this, as this is how her problems began in the first place. We discussed it and will do whatever they think needs to be done. They have upped her thyroid in the meantime, and that should help her out.

I've been a little on edge for the past few days. Not exactly sure of what is going on. Bob has been in my thoughts so much more than normal. I know that his birthday is coming up on the 8th of May, but I don't normally get this uptight this soon. There have been some strange things happening around the house, like ... some books falling off a built in cabinet in the back bedroom; waking up in the middle of the night with the tv still on, but on a different channel than what I was watching; my out going message on my voice mail starting with out the phone ringing; a slight smell of cigarette smoke when I am sitting at the computer or watching tv. I am not a believer in ghosts, but I do believe that I want to feel Bob's presence so strongly that these things happen to give me that sense of connection. I haven't had any vivid dreams recently, at least none that I can remember. I have had dreams/visits in the past where I was with Bob, and could feel his presence even when I woke. I haven't had one of those in more than a year now. It is so strange how the mind can play tricks on you at times. Things are not always what they seem. [this little stickman cartoon only plays twice. To reset it, use your refresh button]

Well, I need to get this closed and go to bed. I hope that I dream tonight. I will keep the tv off, and go to sleep to some music. Sometimes that helps to soothe the spirit.

lab2401 at 11:06:00 PM EDT Link to this entry
This entry has 3 comments: (Add your own)
    Have you seen that show "Crossing Over"? I believe it.

    My mom's b-day is also May 8th. I'll think of you.
    Comment from ckays1967 - 4/28/04 9:16 PM

    love that little animation! (stolen! zap! thanks!) love, love your haiku--they are always lovely.
    hope your dreams were sweet, if not vivid!

    Comment from merelyp - 4/27/04 10:39 AM

    I am not convinced that it is all about the mind playing tricks on us...I believe they have a way of letting us know when they visit. Spirit is energy...
    Comment from gbgoglo - 4/26/04 12:51 AM

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