Friday, November 18, 2005

Work Rant

Work has been trying at best. I can remember when I thought that getting home care onto computers would be the answer to all our problems ... but now I'm having other thoughts since it finally happened. Why is it that just because we are on the computers and they discovered that they can get more detailed information, that now all of a sudden it's necessary to have every little nit picking bit?!? And God forbid if you don't have every piece in place with every i dotted and every t crossed almost as soon as the visit is completed!

When you are seeing a patient at home, and there is a nurse, a home health aid, a physical therapist, an occupational therapist, and a speech therapist, and you all make a visit on the same day, why please tell me why, do each of us have to take vitals???? And now that we are all paperless, lets get a few extra forms in just in case we may need them later. How many places do you need to write down that the patient performed this and that exercise for this many times and this many reps with this tolerance to activity. The main note is not enough, no... add an outcome note, and an intervention note to include the same information. Lets get it in there at least 3 different places! You never know when someone is going to ask for something else. They can't even make up their minds what they want from 1 week to the next. It's enough to make this Auntie cry!

Enough of work! It's Friday night, and I am battling a cold. First time I have tried Cold-Eeze, and AirBorne and I believe I feel better tonight than I did earlier today. Hopefully it will cut down on the number of days of feeling yucky.

Just heard on the news that tropical storm Gamma is headed for south Florida! Lets hope it stays a TS and doesn't turn into another hurricane, and that it hits some cooler air and falls apart. I think there have been more than enough hurricanes the past 2 years!

Well, enough for tonight, time to call it a day. Wish that AOL would finally get their act together and give us what we pay for. Oh well, guess I better get used to all this.

Nite all, Auntie Lyn

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