Monday, December 22, 2003

12/22/03 a hodgepodge kind of day

Monday, December 22, 2003
a hodgepodge kind of day

The picture is of my grand niece holding her kitty, Sassy. Some days I feel like Megan doing the holding, and others days like Sassy. Today was a mixture of the two.

The day started off good, hearing from an old friend I had met through the newsgroup, Tara had come to the group looking for advice in how to help her next door neighbor and friend who had come home to find her husband and 2 children murdered in their home. Tara epitomized to me what a true friend is, and made me remember that people like that do exist. Tara had found me this morning by way of looking at the journals and came across mine. She has a journal, and if you would like to check it out, you can go to Pull up a chair.

Before I could even get started with my coffee this morning, work was calling to see if I could fit in more visits with patients. They are hurting for coverage, but I have my hands full as it is. I am tired, and get little back from work when I try to help them out. It would be different if I thought that it was truly appreciated by them. I am one of their few per diem therapists, and they love me best when they get busy, but when it gets slower, they tend to forget I exist. It just doesn't encourage me to bend over backwards for them. I got done with work a little earlier than normal, and got home to rest a little before going to see S at the nursing home. She is much clearer tonight mentally.

After seeing S, I went by the mall (they are open to 11pm now here) and picked up a few things for my aunt and her friend. I was in Sears looking for tools, and I had such a overwhelming feeling of sadness and fatigue. I finished up and got myself home as quickly as I could before I broke down. If I'm not mistaken, I think I am done with buying gifts. Now I only have to get them wrapped and tagged?

lab2401 at 11:42:00 PM EST Link to this entry
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