Thursday, January 22, 2004

1/22/04 keeping my fingers crossed

Thursday, January 22, 2004
keeping my fingers crossed

Got some hopeful news, as least I hope it is, about S yesterday. Martha called me yesterday morning and said she was getting a new place and there was room for S there with them. She thought February 1 would be a good time for her to come with them. S has been talking to me every day and all she wants is to go back with Martha and get out of that nursing home. Martha and I discussed the fact that she will not drop S unless she becomes physically ill and cannot be cared for at home. Should her money run out, Martha says she will work with S to keep her there with her. I will discuss the details with S tonight when I go visit her. She is doing so well lately, I would not want to do anything that might jeopardize that. But I know what her answer will be... ">

This is where you take a leap of faith and just trust that you are making the right decision.

I thought I would include a picture of my sweetie pie, Kelly for something good to look at.

lab2401 at 9:07:00 AM EST Link to this entry
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